Nostalgia is a big brewing pot, bubbling over with our favourite memories from the past, blended into one emotion. It could be seen as the closest thing to time travel, a direct link to days gone by.
Experiencing this emotion is so calming to me and puts my mind at ease. Nostalgia feels like home and when it sweeps over me I never want it to leave. Sometimes it's a bittersweet feeling where I'm longing to be back at a certain place or point in time that was so good and filled with happiness.
Scents and music are the biggest triggers for me. The smell of lavender always reminds me of home and I have a selection of songs that remind me of specific moments or periods in my life. Whenever one of those tunes comes on, I can't help but smile as the memories come flooding back. Maybe it's the same triggers for you or perhaps it's a movie, location or meal...
The next time you feel nostalgic, really embrace the emotion with these 5 ideas:
1. Delve into some Old Photo Albums
The last time I went home my Mum and I spent hours looking through old photographs and it was such an amazing experience. Sharing the memories that we both had filled me with joy and by the end of the last album our cheeks were hurting from all the laughter
. I have several boxes of old photographs dotted around my home and I love opening one up to study the beautiful images inside. I also really enjoy scrolling back through my Instagram feed and photo album on my phone to ignite nostalgia.
2. Listen to Music Memories
Music has the ability to instantly stir up memories and take us back to a certain time or place. Whenever I go on holiday I make a playlist and usually end up listening to just that on the beach or whilst travelling. If I listen to the tracks back at home they stir up the warm sunshine and holiday vibes. This is great when I'm feeling bogged down with work or the gloomy Winter months are taking their toll. I also have playlists filled with music that reminds me of happy little moments. Next time you feel nostalgic gather together all of your favourite songs that spark special memories and put them into a playlist.
3. Sip Something Soothing
Before you drift away to the songs in your playlist make yourself a warming cup of coffee or tea. Certain aromas can remind us of the past, like the smell of coffee beans or herbal and fruit teas.
4. Read a Book (or even a paragraph of a book you've read before)
I've read a number of books that truly inspired and influenced certain periods of my life and occasionally I like to read the odd page of these to reminisce on those times. When I was younger I read, I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith and I was inspired to write a journal due to the beautifully descriptive wording of the story. I'll never forget that book and how it lead to my love of writing. Even grabbing a new book to read can help us to ponder on the past, by relaxing and allowing warm thoughts to linger. Try a book with a story line that you can relate to.
5. Phone a Friend
Staying in touch with friends is one of the best ways to reminisce on the past. Catching up and remembering good times could have you on the phone for hours but the time will be worth it as you'll be filled with happy memories after.
What do you like to do when you're feeling nostalgic? Please share in the comments below.
K x
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